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Multi Oscillator Linear Open Source Synthesizer

MOLOSS is a virtual synth, available as a VST plugin or standandalone exe, to build analog vintage sounds by combining several techniques used in the 80's.

Its 4 voices mix Subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, frequency (or actually phase) modulation, cross modulation, to allow a very wide sound range, with a lightweight CPU load.

It has a default polyphony of 64 notes, and 2 mono "solo" modes.

A lot of parameters can be modulated with controllers, to give the best live expressivity.

It has a full embedded file-based preset management.

The new version II brings many stability fixes, and an attractive new design by Lozzec with a considerable improvement in usability.

It is downloadable at this link, in windows 32 or 64 bits.


Old MOLOSS I demos :




MOLOSS Structure



Voice Parameters
Modulation parameters


VIDEPUB : a video file splitter with logo search to cut commercials

LASTAR : a batch audio processor for loudness adjustment and file splitting